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Wednesday 3 August 2016

Wednesday = Question Day

I'm sometimes asked if I have any cards I'm embarrassed about. I don't think I have any cards I'm ashamed of and there is certainly nothing I would hide away from people who wanted view my collection, but there are few cards that baffle me as to why I bought them.

Let's look at a couple.
This is a card depicting a holiday home on the Baltic Coast, I'm not sure why I bought it. It's true I have a liking for boring cards and I do have an academic interest in the GDR and every day life there but I do like good quality cards and this is not of good quality. The discolouration, for once, is not the fault of my scanner. I'm sure I could have found a better quality card to satisfy my interests.

Despite its ugliness I do still quite like it.

I'm going to do a rare thing and show the back (minus name and address) because it makes me laugh that the sender states they are visiting the beautiful Baltic. I've never been to that part of Germany but from pictures I've seen it is beautiful. You wouldn't know it from this card though.

The next card is also a mystery. I have been to Llandudno and it's lovely but the card below doesn't really give you this impression as its main focus seems to be a group of pensioners on a bench, with the scenery a sort of afterthought.
What is really weird is that I have two copies of this card, neither has been posted so I must have bought them myself. Now Llandudno is a tourist town so I'm sure there must have been prettier and more interesting cards available. I can only conclude that I must have bought them as some sort of long forgotten in-joke.

I do have some cards sent to me via Postcrossing which be hard to explain to people, semi naked men in sauna, Indonesian men with hooks in their back, but they will have to wait until another time.

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